What is RCS-D?
Real Estate Collaboration Specialist - Divorce is also known as RCS-D. A real estate agent with in-depth training and special expertise guiding divorcing couples and their attorneys through the challenging choices of keeping and/or selling the marital property prior to the divorce's conclusion. My goal as an RCS-D is to preserve home-ownership eligibility and the credit rating of both divorcing spouses. Divorce is hard enough. Let me help you decide to keep the house for the right reasons.
Move forward and be prepared with a real estate collaboration specialist.. why?
Divorcing clients need special care, I have been that person, I went through a nasty divorce myself a few years ago. I understand your needs to resolve things promptly and amicably with good communication between lawyers and all involved. It is my job to educate divorcing homeowners about the property division process, protecting your credit, assets value, and making sure to avoid any challenges that may cause delays, which could result in higher legal and professional fees. Let me help you make circumstances less stressful.